Monday, November 15, 2010

Where is the time going?

Wow, incredible to think that we've already gone through more than 2 months of the school year. We're really moving along now, especially after a huge day today. Very productive, lots of fun, and the week has just begun! We began a new chapter in math, covered some details on data management, started book reports, worked on "Rubber Sentences" (ask your child), and much more.

The Stand up to Bullying rally is coming up on Wednesday, so I am taking the opportunity to focus on the nature of bullying and what causes it throughout the week. I try not to oversimplify the issue, since I think that risks demonizing the students who are so-called "bullies". By putting more of a focus on trying to include people, understand them and help them get along, I think students will be better prepared to deal with these situations.

Before I go on, a few housekeeping notes and important dates coming up:
  • I accidently sent home the wrong set of vocab words for this week, and mislabelled the verb as "AVOIR". That being said, I will stick with the words that I sent home and adjust next week's accordingly. Also, please change AVOIR to VOULOIR, as it is printed on the practice sheet
  • The students' 200+ word summary for their book report is due by Friday; if there is any trouble, please let me know.
  • Math tests must be signed and sent back to school by tomorrow.
  • Please keep working on Multiplication Facts at home. I am noticing big improvements in the class, and would like to keep the momentum going. Our new math unit focuses on patterns, which lend themselves very well to learning multiplication facts and strategies.
Besides sending home an Elastic Sentence to work on tonight, I have also asked students to talk to a parent, sibling, guardian, grandparent, etc. about a significant event from the family history. This could be something recent, or long in the past. Suggestions students came up with included moving to a new town, a car accident, a birth or death in the family, an ancestor who went to war, or a meeting with a famous person. I want them to think of something that affected their family specifically, for better or for worse. This will be used in an upcoming process writing exercise.

I'm off to finish up getting Report Cards ready, but don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Enjoy the chilly but sunny day!

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