Monday, October 25, 2010

October 25th: Post 3 of 3

There was a very interesting series of articles in The Globe and Mail throughout the past week. Some are still available online, and are worth a read. They concern the challenges faced by male students in the primary/elementary system, and make a variety of suggestions regarding what the possible solutions might be. This is a topic that has interested me for some time, both in my studies and in my current efforts to provide an environment and experience that will allow the boys and girls in the class to succeed.

Researchers are reaching the consensus that paying close attention to learning styles is crucial to enabling success in students of many different backgrounds, genders and interests. Research also suggests that encouragement of students' interest in any topic is very important. If your child is interested in LEGO, work with it! I have noticed a particular interest in geography for example.

I have had great discussions with students (male and female) about a wide variety of topics this year. Some are interested in weaponry, others in wrestling, swimming, monotremes or weather. I try to make a point of engaging them when they show interest in these things, if for no other reason than to show my own interest in learning and inquiry. If there is something in particular that your child is interested in, or a special way they like to express themselves at home, please suggest that they bring it to school so we can involve it in the class.

If you are looking for any more interesting information, I would suggest that you pick up the most recent issue of Scientific American Mind. This month's issue focuses on behaviour, and has a number of interesting articles about child development.

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